Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The face of cheeky

Today is now over. Both boys are sleeping(time check: it's 9:45pm!) and I have a cup of tea and have just mowed down 4 caramel cuts (the cake of the day and sweet treat because I'm worth it)  So today. Today I would describe as a hair's breath away from a total train wreck. And so, I now impart what I have learned, to you, my dear friends.

1) Supervise breakfast more closely.  It started at 8:40am with a request for a piece of chocolate cake from Joel. Along with his request for 2 boiled eggs and 'lots of toast mummy'. So I gave in to the cake request while I made the eggs, because where I come from, a chocolate donut is a breakfast food, not a dessert. Anyway, while I'm busily making eggs and toast I hear Joel talking to Luke saying 'It's yummy baby Luke' and I turn around to find him stuffing small pieces of cake into the baby's mouth. I leap across the room, finger sweep out all the cake, while Joel looks totally mystified as to why I would deny Baby Luke such lovely cake...

2) Be excruciatingly specific when giving instructions. For the record, "Go to the car and get in your seat" is not good enough. 1 pair of trousers later I learned that "Don't jump in the puddle, go to the car and get in your seat" was also not good enough. 2 pairs of trousers later I learned that "Take your truck to the car, don't jump in the puddle, just go to the car and get in your seat" -- also, not good enough. 3 pairs of trousers later "Pick up your dump truck, hold it in your hands, it does not need to go in the puddle, you are not wearing welly boots so you must not jump in the puddle, we need to go to the car, so come hold my hand and let's go get in your seat" resulted in only minor water damage to the cuffs of the trousers. good enough.

3) Glitter, when glued to a baby's head, does not come off with the first wash. It will take several.

4) Your child, when seeing another child eating chalk, will decide to take a bite and try it.  Then they look at you with a look of indignant betrayal, like "why did you let me do that??!"

5) Glue, glitter, cotton wool and feathers is never a good craft combination. Thank you playgroup.

6) If you watch Peppa Pig in Italian enough, you'll start to understand the plot.  Though, I was dying laughing watching Peppa Pig "Potato City". If you have not had the pleasure of seeing this, go look it up on youtube now. So worth it.

7) The phrase "Look Mummy, I doin' wee wee on the floor" is never good.

8) These little faces still make me smile.

Caramel Cuts

Like brownies, but toffee flavoured. Quick, easy and worth it.

Grease a 9inch square pan and preheat oven to 170C/325F.

1/4 cup margarine
1 cup light brown sugar (you can mix dark and light if you don't have enough light)
1 unbeaten egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder

Melt the margarine in a saucepan big enough to hold all the ingredients. Once melted add the brown sugar and blend together well. Take the pan off the heat and while the mixture is still warm add in the egg and vanilla and give it a good stir. Then add in the flour and baking powder and stir those in. Pour into the pan and bake for 20mins. They'll be lovely and golden and toffee and yummy and I doubt you'll even wait till they cool to get one out.

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